Update -
Due to an unforeseen issue that has been detected and fixed, all login sessions need to be restarted. All users who experience the "Invalid token" error message are advised to clear the app data from the Android device in order to log in again.
Identified -
Due to an erroneous deployment, all login sessions need to be restarted. All users advised to clear the app data from the Android device in order to log in again.
Feb 17, 17:30 UTC
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 13, 14:30 UTC
Update -
We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.
Feb 7, 10:56 UTC
Update -
The ability to change the order of products in our webshop has been disabled until the fix can be deployed. This will prevent the total degradation of back office as seen this morning. We will make a server side change to improve the performance of changes in the database, we expect that to be ready at the start of next week. The backoffice interface will change from a drag-and-drop function that changes immediately to an edit and save action so all changes are batched into a single transaction
Feb 7, 10:24 UTC
Monitoring -
We have been experiencing slow server response and degraded performance of our web dashboard lasting 9:45-10:15 CET A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Feb 7, 09:29 UTC
Investigating -
We are currently investigating this issue.
Feb 7, 08:59 UTC